These signs are used to clearly indicate and instantly pass on information about mandatory actions or behaviours to workers, customers and members of the public. The indicated actions must be carried out in order to comply with statutory requirements and, most importantly, to stay safe, safeguard the health and/or avoid injury.
Signs that indicate mandatory requirements should consist of a blue circle with white text, or easily-recognisable pictogram (symbol showing what action is required), positioned centrally. When needed, there might be a blue circle with the pictogram combined with a blue rectangle below that has text explaining the meaning of the sign. They should be mounted in easily visible places for all to see clearly.
Although mandatory signs are crucial in any work environment and used in domestic buildings, roads, etc., they are not always required by law - often, depending on the specific situation, they are installed using common sense to reduce various risks.
You can select from a number of pre-made mandatory signs that are available in the catalogue below, or create your own sign per your requirements using our sign creation tool. This will also allow you to choose and select the appropriate sign fixings that can be used to attach them to a variety of surfaces.
Having trouble using the sign building tool? See the user manual here!